Capital Requirements Directive (CRD)

Country by Country Reporting

30 September 2021


City Asset Management Plc (CAM) is required, as part of the Capital Requirements Directive (CRD), to disclose annually, information for the financial year specifying the Member State to which it relates.

Name, Nature of Activities and Geographical Location

The name of the reported firm: City Asset Management Plc

CAM predominantly provides discretionary investment management and financial services to private clients but also provides these services to corporations and authorised intermediaries.

CAM is based entirely in the UK.


For the financial year ended 30th September 2021, CAM had a turnover of £7,702,231.

Number of Employees on a Full Time Equivalent Basis

CAM employed, on average, a full time equivalent of 43 employees during the financial year ending 30th September 2021.

Profit Before Tax

For the financial year ended 30th September 2021, CAM had a profit before tax of £956,036.

Tax on Profit or Loss

During the financial year ending 30th September 2021, the taxes paid by CAM on a cash basis totaled £96,742.

Public Subsidies Received

CAM received no subsidies during the financial year ending 30th September 2021.