Our Client Experience Manager

Not sure who to contact? Or do you have something you want to share in confidence? Our Client Experience Manager is available to help guide all our clients as needed and can be contacted by emailing tracy.coghill@city-asset.co.uk or calling 020 7324 2941.

Tracy Coghill, Client Experience Manager

Tracy has worked at CAM for over 10 years and is a senior member of our compliance team as well as our Client Experience Manager. She has 30 years’ industry experience, as a solicitor at Freshfields and a Client Risk Manager at Morgan Stanley.

Her participation in the PIMFA working group on Consumer Duty and its panel on Vulnerable People means that Tracy is ideally placed to help clients in her role as Client Experience Manager. In fact, Tracy is happiest when solving issues for clients and her background on the trading floor of an investment bank means she tends to operate a bit quicker than your average lawyer. She also enjoys working alongside her husband, mother-in-law and all her colleagues to help CAM’s clients achieve their objectives.

Outside of work, Tracy enjoys cooking for her three daughters, two dogs and two guinea pigs, spending time in France and hosting family gatherings at any opportunity.